What is family?
is family there to make your life essayer, to help you when you need it, to laugh at all your jokes, to tell you what ever you want to hear, or to give you whatever you want?
well they are there to help you when you need it but.
i don't know about your family but mine....
my family will tell you your but looks big in those pants,that your hair looks not so good like that,that that attitude really sucks right then and that if you don't change it they will change it for you.
my family is the family that at thanksgiving will have the all so funny and all so awkward
conversations.and my family is the family that in the middle of walmart stop and yell mark ow polo. they also yell your full name in the middle of walmart.
but i think that my family is so awesome because these embarrassing thing are the thing that change you for the better they make you a better person because my family is the family that none can ever forget and that's why i think that my family is the best family ever!
so this Christmas i was so thankful for an amazing family that will judge you but they will judge you not to be mean or to hurt you but to make you a better person.
so thank you Lord for family.